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Air Dates: Updated through March 13 (02-28-25)

Falcon Crest: Available once again on Amazon Prime. (01-23-25)

Social Media: Now posting on BlueSky (11-12-24)

News: Elizabeth Montgomery Magical Humanitarian Award (09-23-24)

Falcon Crest: Now available via free ad-supported streaming service Plex (09-11-24)

News: Jonathan Frid Centenary at the Sleepy Hollow International Film Festival (09-11-24)

News: Upcoming Smartphone Theatre project (07-18-24)

News: Dark Shadows Remembrance Weekend summary and link to view authorized video of Lara Parker's life celebration (07-18-24) David Selby

Writing Credits


For more detailed descriptions of David Selby's books, including ordering information, please visit the Books section of the site.

Title Genre Year
A Casualty of Indifference Fiction 2019
Light and Shadows Poetry/Photos 2015
Promises of Love Fiction 2015
The Blue Door Fiction 2010
My Shadowed Past Memoir/Photos 2010
Lincoln's Better Angel Fiction 2007
A Better Place Memoir/Social Commentary 2005
Happenstance Poetry 2001
My Mother's Autumn Poetry 2000
In and Out of the Shadows Poetry/Photos 1999


Title Notes
An Appalachia Tragedy Staged reading in Charleston, WV in 2010
Final Assault Performed in 2003 in Charleston, WV. Directed by his son, Jamison Selby. Staged reading at Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights in 2004
Lincoln and James David appeared in the role of Abraham Lincoln in performances in New York, NY, Charleston, WV, and Washington, D.C. in 1997-1999.
Where's Nova Scotia? Staged reading in 1998

Articles and Opinion Pieces

"Twilight at the White House." Rev. of Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, by Seth Grahame-Smith. America's Civil War Nov. 2010: 62-64.

"Obama Embodies Our Hope of Mending Fences." Editorial. Sunday  Gazette-Mail (Charleston, WV) 19 Oct. 2008.

"The Mythology of West Virginia." Traditions: A Journal of West Virginia Folk Culture and Education Awareness 8 (2003): 42+.