Holiday Notes

Holiday Message 2019/2020

Want to wish everyone happy holidays and a peaceful, joyful new year.

I am so appreciative, so thankful, and so blessed to have had your support for so many years.

My love to all,

Photo by D A V I D S O N L U N A on Unsplash

Notes Remembrance

Denise Nickerson

I loved Denise…. soooo sweet and kind. She most always had a smile. At the studio, she would greet me with a hug. She was my first “daughter.”

After not seeing each other for several years….. a young woman came up to me in front of Universal in L.A.


I turned to look at this young woman standing before me.

“It’s Denise,” she said to me.

“Oh…… Denise?”

I was rather surprised, to say the least, by the young woman standing before me.


We hugged. It was as if there had been no time since we had last seen each other on the Dark Shadows set on W. 53rd street in NYC. Again we hugged and then talked for a bit. It was impossible to catch up with all the time since we had last seen each other, but what was not impossible was to recapture the feeling we had for each other…. like a father and daughter who made each other smile and laugh.

I love you, Denise. I always have.



Update from David

To all….

Have been remiss in not writing to again thank all of you for being with me through the years. It has meant so much, and I have been remiss in not telling you this enough, but perhaps you know.

Have a new book out and a couple of films coming…. so I feel blessed. I always go back to my start in the theater where I first started to play a young Abe Lincoln and now all these years later, I am going to read a new Lincoln play that has been written for me. The reading will be at Ford’s Theatre where we hope to do a full production.

Dark Shadows came early on in my New York days and it is still with me. And, I trust, so are many of you. What a trip we have had. That you have stayed the course means a great deal to me, and I just wanted to let you know that I think about all the people, like you, that I have met because of Dark Shadows. So, let’s keep going and doing together!

My love,


David’s new novel is A Casualty of Indifference. Click the title or the cover image for more information.