Michelle Obama just gave perhaps the most powerful political speech I have ever heard. If you did not have the chance to hear it, I am sure that it will be available on the Internet. I urge all to listen. Her heartfelt speech will go down in history.
Listen and vote.
My love,
Webmaster’s Note: First Lady Michelle Obama’s complete remarks in Manchester, New Hampshire on Thursday, October 13, 2016 can be watched on YouTube. For a transcript of her remarks, please visit NPR. (The NPR link also contains video, but it is not the complete speech.)
In a time of great sadness and sorrow in our country, it somehow seems now is not the time to reflect back on the wonderful weekend of the Dark Shadows Fest, but, to all of you who were able to attend, thank you for your being there, for your kindness and laughter and support. . . for your gifts. You all have made the last 50 years so very special. . . . You have kept the Dark Shadows legacy alive, not just as a footnote in some forgotten history of television, but as a living testament of the work of all who took part in its creation. You all have taken that creation and kept it alive, well, and vital. I, for one, am indebted to you all.
David Selby and Patty Duke in Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive
Everyone knew her professionally as Patty Duke…. but a book on her life was titled Call Me Anna. So on the film set where we were working together, it was Anna. I love the name Anna, and it was a fitting name for this wonderful actress who passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly, a couple of days ago. Work on a film set is concentrated and intense at times. You finish the day’s work and go home. When the filming is completed, you learn to realize you may never see your co-worker again. This was true with Anna. But I do have my memories of a dear and caring, beautiful and forthright woman who loved her life with her husband in Idaho. Anna traveled a long, and at times difficult, painful journey, but her determination and her sense of fun carried her, and her telling me to take the best from the worst was good advice.
Webmaster’s Note: Patty Duke passed away on March 29, 2016. In 1992, David Selby co-starred with her in the television movie Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive. They played husband and wife Shag and Jean Williams.
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